Globalization and digitalization of political institutions


  • E.D. Larina St. Petersburg State University Author


Digitalization, globalization, politics, political sphere, politics of the Russian Federation, political processes, political system of the Russian Federation


In this article, we address the problem of the manifestation of digital and global processes in the field of politics. It is necessary to show the contradictory nature of these phenomena, to analyze their positive and negative consequences. The object of the research is digital and global policy processes. The subject of the research is highlighting the positive and negative effects of the influence of globalization and digitalization on politics, through the analysis of the works of A.P. Tsygankov, P. Gemavat, A.E. Konkov, and other authors analyzed in the essay. The purpose of this paper: to prove that globalization and digitalization are the sources of progress in the field of politics. The first task is to define the main terms of research (digitalization and globalization). The second task is to highlight the main aspects of the impact of digitalization and globalization on the political sphere. The third task involves illustrating the manifestation of these two phenomena in the implementation of political processes on the example of modern Russia. The fourth point is to highlight the positive and negative aspects of globalization and digitalization in the implementation of political processes. Several basic methods used to solve the set tasks. First, it is a descriptive method, the essence of which is the theoretical substantiation of the concepts of «globalization» and «digitalization». Using the comparative method, we will relate digitalization and globalization to the realm of politics. Using the comparative method, we will highlight the differences and similarities in the manifestations of these two processes in politics and other spheres of public life. Thanks to the systematic method, we will summarize the political processes taking place under the influence of digitalization and globalization on the example of political events in modern Russia.


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