A overview of relevant Internet resources and specialized printed publications needed to research the Norwegian publishing industry


  • E.E. Murlatova Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University Author


Publishing industry, editorial, Internet resource, printed source, Norwegian language, Norway, book market


The paper is devoted to the issues of cross-cultural professional communication and interaction of the publishing industry specialists at the international level. We have selected and reviewed main open-access Internet resources, printed and electronic publications in the Norwegian language, as they are of high importance for the study of Norway’s modern publishing business, its retrospective and prospects for further development. The article is relevant both for students and for publishing and editorial professionals.


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Российские издатели назвали самые популярные книги 2019 года. — Текст: электронный // Культуромания: [сайт]. — URL: https://kulturomania.ru/news/item/rossiyskie-izdatelstva-nazvali-samye-prodavaemye-knigi-2019-goda/ (дата обращения: 05.03.2021);

Норвежская литература сегодня. — Текст: электронный // Журнал «Книжная индустрия» [сайт]. — 2020. — 05 мая. — URL: https://www.bookind.ru/categories/abroad/9769/ (дата обращения: 23.03.2021).

Nasjonalbiblioteket: Gratis bøker på nett [Electronic resource — in Norwegian]. — URL: https://nb.no (date of treatment: 12.03.2022).

Fra ide til bok: håndbok i forlagsarbeid [Electronic resource — in Norwegian]. — URL: https://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-nb_digibok_2010092920007 (date of treatment: 25.03.2022).

ISSUU: magazines, news & books [Electronic resource]. — URL: https://issuu.com (date of treatment: 07.04.2021).

oppsummert med tall fra Mentor [Electronic resource — in Norwegian]. — URL: https://www.boknett.no/Nyheter/2021/Januar/2020-oppsummert-med-tall-fra-Mentor (date of treatment: 07.04.2022).

Rekordmange nye bøker i 2021! [Electronic resource — in Norwegian]. — URL: https://www.boknett.no/Nyheter/2021/Januar/2020-oppsummert-med-tall-fra-Mentor (date of treatment: 20.03.2022).

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