Future options in post-apocalyptic games


  • K.S. Hitushkin Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University Author


New media, genres, trends


This article analyzed the main options for the future in computer games of the post-apocalyptic genre, based on the collected database of 100 games. The most common types of apocalypse were «Nuclear War» and «Zombie Apocalypse». The most highly rated variant of the apocalypse, according to the ranking of the aggregator site Metacritic, was non-science fiction, and the most common genre was action. It turned out that highly developed artificial intelligence is an integral part of the image of a technological future in post-apocalyptic games and most often remains friendly or neutral. In most scenarios, it is people who are to blame for the disaster. It also turned out that the popularity of the apocalypse theme in computer games is decreasing.


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